Hydroxypropyl methyl cellulose manufacturers solve the foaming phenomenon of putty powder

Now there are many putty powder on the wall will appear hollowing, bubble phenomenon, many construction personnel think it will be hydroxypropyl methyl cellulose these raw materials, the technical personnel of Shandong chuangyao Biotechnology Co., Ltd. through analysis, we know that: in fact, not really, the main reason for putty powder hollowing and bubbling is that there is gas between the base and the putty layer. Why is the air not diffused to the surface layer and to the interior of the base course as usual? And there's that in the middle! The main reasons are as follows:

Reasons for foaming of putty powder

1. The air in the putty pores is not squeezed out due to the thickness of the single batch scraping.

2. The base treatment is too rough with small holes. During batch scraping, the putty compresses the air in the hole, and then the air pressure rebounds to form bubbles.

3. The putty is easy to produce bubbles during high temperature construction.

4. If the base is too dry and the water absorption rate is too high, it is easy to cause more bubbles in the surface putty.

5. The water absorption of substrate is too low. As a result, the relative water retention time of putty is too long, which makes the putty stay in the slurry state on the wall for a long time, so that the bubbles are not easy to be squeezed out by the trowel! However, needle like pores are produced. Chuangyao hydroxypropyl methyl cellulose manufacturers tell us why there are more bubbles on the top of the formwork than on the wall in the project. The water absorption of the wall is large, but the water absorption of the formwork top is very low!

6. Water resistant coating, high-grade concrete and other good airtight base surface caused bubble.

7. Too much hydroxypropyl cellulose added!

2、 Solution:

1. The thickness of surface putty should be about 1 mm;

2. Seal the bottom with interface agent or wet the wall with water.

3. For rough holes on the base surface, white cement or caulking gypsum should be filled and compacted first, and then the whole batch scraping should be carried out;

4. Too dry substrate can be wetted with water and then applied with putty;

Shandong chuangyao Biotechnology Co., Ltd. is a professional manufacturer of hydroxypropyl methylcellulose and redispersible latex powder. The company adopts one-stop shopping mode and operates various dry powder mortar additives.

For more questions, please consult Shandong chuangyao Biotechnology Co., Ltd.

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